Sunday, September 15, 2013

Disaster Preparedness - Earthquakes

In the event of an earthquake, there is no better way to avoid injury and death than preparing the home and knowing what damage earthquakes cause and how they do it. Every year, thousands of people die as a direct result of earthquakes--but not necessarily because of the movement of the ground beneath them. In fact, these sorts of deaths are quite rare. It is more common to die because of a lack of preparation: people don't know where the safest place to be is during an earthquake, the community isn't prepared, the buildings aren't safe, or there isn't any good food or water to support communities after the earthquake takes out electricity and makes it unsafe to go outside looking for food. Knowing all the facts about earthquakes and all the recommendations by experts will not only help save lives; it can protect homes and businesses, result in fewer injuries, and lessen the number of people the government and emergency rescuers will have to save. First, people should understand that earthquakes come with little and often no warning. Seismic activity is difficult to detect until it is actually on the surface, causing damage.

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