Friday, July 26, 2013

Obama DHS Planned to Kill Peaceful Protesters in Sniper Attacks

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Obama DHS Planned to Kill Peaceful Protesters in Sniper Attacks

Feds, contractors and police prepared to carry out death squad operations
by Alex Jones and Julie Wilson, Infowars: In June, cited a report by revealing that the “FBI was aware of an organization, possibly a local police department or private security company, that had plans to assassinate peaceful protesters during the Occupy Movement.”
The classified document released by the FBI read:
An identified [DELETED] as of October planned to engage in sniper attacks against protestors (sic) in Houston, Texas if deemed necessary. An identified [DELETED] had received intelligence that indicated the protesters in New York and Seattle planned similar protests in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin,Texas. [DELETED] planned to gather intelligence against the leaders of the protest groups and obtain photographs, then formulate a plan to kill the leadership via suppressed sniper rifles. Read More @

US Planning A Pre-Emptive Nuclear Attack Against China!

The Two Faux Democracies Threaten Life On Earth–Paul Craig Roberts Etzioni is correct that this is a momentous decision made by a neoconized military. China is obviously aware that Washington is preparing for war with China. If the Yale Journal knows it, China knows it. If the Chinese government is realistic, the government is aware that Washington is planning a pre-emptive nuclear attack against China.

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