Thursday, July 11, 2013

Effort To Create New State Called North Colorado Is Growing

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Effort To Create New State Called North Colorado Is Growing

By Susan Duclos There has been talk from ten counties, including Weld and Morgan, of creating a 51st state called "North Colorado," and that effort continues to grow, with some people Lincoln and Cheyenne counties wanting to join. The effort stems from residents believing they are not being represented by the state of Colorado nor the lawmakers elected to represent them. According to a local affiliate in Denver, there was a meeting recently in the town of Akron located in Weld County to "begin mapping the boundaries for the new state they say will represent the interests of rural Colorado." The secessionist movement is the result of a growing urban-rural divide, which was exacerbated after this year’s legislation session where lawmakers raised renewable energy standards for rural electric co-ops, floated bills increasing regulations on oil and gas, and passed sweeping gun control. The creation of a new state comes with risks.

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