Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Court Cancels Taksim Gezi Park Demolition, Protesters Win!!

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Court Cancels Taksim Gezi Park Demolition, Protesters Win!!

A Turkish court has cancelled an Istanbul building project backed by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan which provided the trigger for nationwide anti-government demonstrations last month, a copy of the court decision showed. Authorities may well appeal against cancellation of plans for replica Ottoman-era barracks on Istanbul’s Taksim Square. But the ruling marked a victory for a coalition of political forces and a blow for Mr. Erdogan, who stood fast against protests and riots he said were stoked by terrorists and looters.

Nationwide Civil Unrest

Lew Rockwell Wikipedia:1992 Los Angeles riots 4,000 National Guard troops patrolled the city to enforce the law Riots by Fred Reed Recently by Fred Reed: YouSSR, MeSSR Watching the Zimmerman trial, I wonder whether we may not be in for big trouble. Racial hostility is much higher in the United States than it is allowed to appear. In the Twittersphere there is much traffic from blacks, saying that if Zimmerman walks, they will kill him themselves, riot, or kill random whites. On many sites around the web, whites of a sort not found on NPR are saying, “Bring it on.” This is not your granny’s recipe for domestic tranquility.

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